May 1, 2023 user

How to Choose the Best Plants for Your Modular Wooden Planter Boxes


Modular wooden planter boxes are a versatile and stylish addition to any garden, patio, or balcony. They provide a functional and space-saving solution for urban dwellers and homeowners alike. However, the key to creating a thriving, visually stunning garden in your planter boxes lies in selecting the right plants. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors to consider when choosing plants for your modular wooden planter boxes and share some top plant recommendations for a flourishing garden.

Consider Your Planter Box Size and Depth

Before choosing plants, it’s essential to consider the size and depth of your modular wooden planter boxes. Different plants have varying root systems, and some require more room to grow than others. As a general rule, select plants with root systems that will comfortably fit within the planter box’s depth. For example, shallow-rooted plants like lettuce and spinach can grow well in planter boxes with a depth of 6 to 8 inches, while deeper-rooted plants like tomatoes and peppers need at least 12 inches of soil depth.

Assess Sunlight and Climate

When selecting plants for your planter boxes, it’s crucial to consider the amount of sunlight your outdoor space receives daily. Some plants thrive in full sun, while others prefer partial shade. Observe your garden throughout the day to determine the sunniest spots and choose plants accordingly. Additionally, consider your local climate, as not all plants can tolerate extreme temperatures or weather conditions. Opt for plants that are well-suited to your region’s growing conditions to ensure a successful garden.

Choose a Mix of Plant Types

A visually appealing planter box garden features a mix of plant types, including foliage, flowers, herbs, and vegetables. Select a variety of plants with varying textures, colours, and growth habits to create an interesting and dynamic display. For example, combine leafy greens like kale or chard with colourful flowers like marigolds and petunias. Add fragrant herbs like basil and rosemary for both culinary and aesthetic appeal.

Mind Plant Spacing

To ensure the health and success of your plants, it’s important to give them enough space to grow. Overcrowded plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases, and they may struggle to receive adequate sunlight and nutrients. When planting, follow the recommended spacing guidelines for each plant type. In general, allow for more space between larger plants and less space between smaller, more compact varieties.

Opt for Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of placing plants together that benefit each other, either by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or providing essential nutrients. This method can significantly improve the health and productivity of your planter box garden. For example, planting marigolds alongside tomatoes can help deter pests like aphids and nematodes, while planting basil with tomatoes is said to enhance the flavour of the tomatoes.


Creating a beautiful and thriving planter box garden begins with choosing the right plants. By considering factors like planter box size, sunlight, climate, plant variety, spacing, and companion planting, you can curate a garden that’s both visually stunning and highly productive. With a thoughtful approach to plant selection, your modular wooden planter boxes will become a cherished focal point in your outdoor space.